News from the NNI Community - Research Advances Funded by Agencies Participating in the NNI

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(Funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy)

A new collaborative study could provide engineers new design rules for creating microelectronics, membranes and tissues, and open up better production methods for new materials. At the same time, the research helps uphold a scientific theory that has remained unproven for over a century.

(Funded by the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation)

Graphene may one day be used to test for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a progressive, neurodegenerative disease which is diagnosed mostly by ruling out other disorders, according to new research.

(Funded by the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation)

Graphene may one day be used to test for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a progressive, neurodegenerative disease which is diagnosed mostly by ruling out other disorders, according to new research.

(Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy)

Physicists have synthesized 2D atom-thin sheets of boron with large crystal domains, which are needed to make next-gen electronics.

(Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy)

Physicists have synthesized 2D atom-thin sheets of boron with large crystal domains, which are needed to make next-gen electronics.

(Funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

Engineers have developed a method to make atom-flat sensors that seamlessly integrate with devices to report on what they perceive.

(Funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

Engineers have developed a method to make atom-flat sensors that seamlessly integrate with devices to report on what they perceive.

(Funded by the National Institutes of Health)

One obstacle to therapeutic use of microRNAs (miRNA), which are in clinical trial for a number of diseases, are ribonucleases, whose job it is to destroy them. Researchers report that an miRNA protective against sepsis can be delivered effectively via a nanocarrier.

(Funded by the National Institutes of Health)

One obstacle to therapeutic use of microRNAs (miRNA), which are in clinical trial for a number of diseases, are ribonucleases, whose job it is to destroy them. Researchers report that an miRNA protective against sepsis can be delivered effectively via a nanocarrier.

(Funded by the National Institutes of Health)

Engineers have developed a type of bioshock bandage that helps wounds to heal by delivering small electrical pulses generated by body movement.