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* See below for credit and descriptions |
The activities planned by NNCO to celebrate the 15-year anniversary of the authorization of the NNI include:
- Special anniversary episodes of “Stories from the NNI” podcast series. (see more below)
Experts from academia, government, and industry share their perspectives on key research and development advances in nanotechnology. They also discuss how the NNI has changed the nanotechnology landscape.
- A plenary keynote panel at Nanotech 2019, part of TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo, June 17-19, in Boston, MA.
This panel will engage prominent experts to highlight recent nanotechnology advances, and perhaps more importantly, the future opportunities, challenges, and societal impact nanoscience and technology has in store for us all.
- The Future of the NNI: A Stakeholder Workshop - August 1-2, 2019 in Washington, DC.
We’re wrapping up our 15-year anniversary series of Stories from the NNI with an episode featuring Chad Mirkin, Professor and Director of the International Institute for Nanotechnology at Northwestern University. Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Professor Mirkin about how nanotechnology enables technologies in the biomedical sector, explains the importance of working across disciplines, and gives his advice to future generations of nanoscientists. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Fabio Pulizzi, Editor of Nature Nanotechnology about his thoughts on the overall nanotechnology landscape, trends in nanotechnology, and the impact that the NNI has had. |
Dr. Lisa Friedersdorf speaks with Paul Weiss, Distinguished Professor at UCLA and Founder and Editor-in-Chief of ACS Nano, about the unique interdisciplinarity of nanotechnology, and his thoughts on the future of nanotechnology. |
Dr. Lisa Friedersdorf speaks with Paul Weiss, UC Presidential Chair and Distinguished Professor at UCLA, about his advice to students interested in pursuing a career in nanotechnology. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Lynn Bergeson, a Chemical Law Attorney and Managing Partner of Bergeson & Campbell P.C. about her perspective on the intersection of nanotechnology and the law. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Sangeeta Bhatia, Director of the Marble Center for Cancer Nanotechnology, about how nanotechnology is helping to address some of medicine’s grand challenges and how the current nanotechnology toolset is being used to develop the next-generation of cancer therapeutics. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Leonardo Spanu, Senior Researcher in R&D Chemistry at Shell Technology Center, about how nanotechnology can help address energy issues, his work on the conversion of methane into valuable chemicals and materials, and challenges along the technology development pathway. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Qilin Li, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and co-Director of the Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment, or NEWT, at Rice University. Qilin highlights the impact NEWT has had at Rice, how nanotechnology can help improve access to clean water around the world, and the importance of addressing the issue of an aging water infrastructure. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Dan Ratner, Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington, about his passion for education and how the Northwest Nanotechnology Infrastructure celebrates National Nanotechnology Day. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Matt Hull, Associate Director for Innovation & Entrepreneurship at NanoEarth and Founder of Nanosafe Inc., about his experience as a nanoentrepreneur, his work to help students interested in entrepreneurship, and his advice to those thinking of starting a company. He also discussed the importance of the availability of tools to small companies. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Paula Hammond, the David H. Koch Professor in Engineering and Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT, about her research activities designing nanoparticles for drug delivery and nanomaterials for energy-related applications. She also discusses the importance of collaborating with scientists from other disciplines and explains why communicating science to the public is critical to make people not only aware but excited about advances in nanotechnology. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Stan Williams, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas A&M University, about his extensive career in nanotechnology, what his plans are for the future, and the importance of interdisciplinarity and science communication. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Matt Laudon, CEO of TechConnect Ventures, about the importance of helping innovators advance technologies, the role of the Student Leaders Conference in connecting undergraduate students to new opportunities, and how he works to bring together different aspects of the innovation ecosystem. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with speaks with Bob Ehrmann, Managing Director at Penn State University’s Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization, about the educational resources that are freely available to teachers, such as the Remotely Accessible Instruments for Nanotechnology (RAIN). |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Dr. Brent Segal, Corporate Technology Scout and Deputy Enterprise Autonomy at Lockheed Martin, about his experience working for small nanotechnology companies, areas where he sees nanotechnology playing a role in the future, and the opportunity for intersection of disciplines enabled by nanotechnology. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Supratik Guha, Director of the Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, about the role of sophisticated equipment available at CNM in pushing the boundaries of science at smaller scales of space and time; CNM's engagement with industry users and its role in fostering technology commercialization; and the importance of multidisciplinary collaborations in nanotechnology research. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Saniya LeBlanc, Assistant Professor at George Washington University, about the importance of educating undergraduate students about nanotechnology, her work with high school students and teachers to familiarize them with nanotechnology, and her efforts to find ways to explain nanotechnology to the general public. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Chuck Black, Director of the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory), about the unique tools and capabilities that are available at user facilities such as CFN, the importance of working across boundaries to impact many areas of science, and some of the accomplishments enabled by nanoscience and nanotechnology over the past 15 years. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Julia Greer, Professor at CalTech, about the exceptional properties of nano-architected materials, their potential applications for stimulus-responsive shirts, 3D logic circuits, and ultrasensitive capacitors, and the importance of bringing together scientists and engineers from different disciplines to better understand and characterize nano-architected materials. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Dr. Tina Brower-Thomas, Executive Director of the Center for Integrated Quantum Materials at Howard University, about the importance of user facilities and cutting-edge tools in nanotechnology and quantum research, the work that CIQM is doing to increase diversity in STEM, and the importance of raising awareness of STEM opportunities among young people so they can make informed career decisions. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Bob Ehrmann, Managing Director at Penn State University’s Center for Nanotechnology Education and Utilization, about the work that is being done in nanotechnology workforce development and nanotechnology education. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Professor Bill Wilson, Executive Director of the Center for Nanoscale Systems at Harvard University, about the importance of working across disciplines, the critical role of facilities and equipment enabled by the NNI to pursue research in nanotechnology, and the benefits that CNS provides to the research community and industry. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Christina Lomasney, CEO and President of Modumetal Inc., about the electrochemical process her company has developed to produce corrosion-resistant nanolaminated alloys, the company’s comprehensive approach to protecting its intellectual property portfolio, and the significant role user facilities and government funding have played in enabling experts at her company to characterize materials with high-end equipment. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Dr. Jeff Neaton, Director of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Molecular Foundry, about the convergence of theory and experiment in nanoscience, the computational tools that are available at the Molecular Foundry, and where he sees nanotechnology making an impact on world challenges. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Dan Herr, Professor & Nanoscience Department Chair at the Joint School for Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, about his personal nanotechnology journey, his experience in the semiconductor industry, and his recent work on biomimetic materials and bioinspired systems and processes. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Dr. Jason White, Vice Director of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, about his work at the intersection of nanotechnology and agriculture, including the potential for nanoscience to improve the efficiency of crop production. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Vince Caprio, Founder and Executive Director of the NanoBusiness Commercialization Association (NanoBCA), about his memories of the early establishment of the NNI, his thoughts on major advances in nanotechnology for the past 15 years, and NanoBCA’s role in advocating for the NNI and enabling a better understanding and appreciation of nanotechnology by legislators and the Federal and State governments. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Kurt Kolasinski, Professor of Chemistry at West Chester University, about using self-limiting chemistry to form porous silicon nanoparticles and nanostructured silicon materials, key research advances enabled by nanotechnology - such as the development of better catalysts, novel 2D materials, and faster computer memory devices - and future challenges that nanotechnology will help to solve in the future. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Dr. Celia Merzbacher, Associate Director of the Quantum Economic Development Consortium, about the connection between nanotechnology and quantum information science and technology, the role of nanotechnology in enabling multidisciplinary research, and the impact of nanotechnology on the private sector. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Dr. Sean Hearne, Director of the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, about the unique role of nanotechnology user facilities in enabling key research advances in electronic miniaturization, energy storage, the conversion of carbon dioxide into fuel, and biomimicry. Dr. Hearne also highlights the critical role played by these facilities in allowing scientists from different disciplines to work together to address major societal challenges. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Dr. Michelle Bradbury, Professor of Radiology at Memorial Sloan Kettering and Weill Cornell Medical College at Cornell University, about the progress being made in developing nanoparticle-based imaging agents and their potential in enhancing the diagnosis of diseases and the treatment of patients. Dr. Bradbury also discusses the importance of collaborating with teams of scientists and engineers from different disciplines to make advances move faster and to facilitate the commercialization of products. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Dr. Mark Reed, Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Yale University, about the significant impact that nanotechnology has been having in many areas, including electronics, energy, and the environment. Dr. Reed also discusses the importance of the national user facilities that have been enabled by the NNI to make high-end instrumentation available to scientists across the world and describes the critical role nanotechnology is currently playing in the field of quantum information science. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Mark Shaw, CEO of UltraTech International, Inc., about the materials his company is developing that use nanotechnology, including a superhydrophobic coating that repels liquids. Mark also shares his experience taking an invention to the marketplace, discusses his company’s efforts in nanotechnology education, and describes how the NNI has been fostering the transfer of new nanotechnologies into commercial products. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Dr. Mike Meador, Program Element Manager for Lightweight Materials and Manufacturing for NASA’s Game Changing Technologies Program about the exciting nanotechnology research currently happening at NASA and nanotechnology developments that have taken place at NASA over the past 15 years. |
Dr. Friedersdorf talks to Jennifer Miller, an undergraduate Nanoengineering and Materials Science student at UCSD, about getting started in nanotechnology, capitalizing on opportunities, and building transferable skills for your career while in college. |
Dr. Friedersdorf speaks with Professor Mark Tuominen, of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, about the path nanotechnology R&D has taken, the many commercial applications of nanotechnology, and the challenges that nanotechnology will likely address in the future. |
Dr. Friedersdorf talks to Miguel Galvez, CEO of NBD Nano, about his company, their story, and his advice to future entrepreneurs. |
Dr. Friedersdorf talks to Dr. Chuck Geraci, Associate Director for Emerging Technologies at National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) about how NIOSH works with industry to ensure workplace safety, the progress that has been made in nanotechnology environmental, health, and safety research over the last 15 years, and areas where nanotechnology can help solve problems in the future. |
Dr. Friedersdorf talks to Dr. Marcie Black, CEO and Co-founder of Advanced Silicon Group, about the promise of nanotechnology to solve the world’s problems, Marcie’s experience developing her technology, and her thoughts on the NNI. |
Professor Pedro Alvarez and Dr. Friedersdorf discuss the use of nanotechnology in water applications, exciting results, and Pedro’s thoughts on the NNI’s contributions during the past 15 years. |
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