The Federal Government has developed a wide variety of business resources.
Minority-Owned Businesses
Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA): MBDA is a part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is dedicated to actively promoting the growth and competitiveness of large, medium, and small minority business enterprises. After more than 40 years since its inception, the MBDA has a variety of programs and opportunities to help grow minority business. Additionally, all Federal agencies have minority business development programs.
Women-Owned Businesses
Women-owned businesses are small business concerns at least 51% owned by women who are United States citizens and who also control and operate the business. "Control" means exercising the power to make policy decisions. "Operate" means being actively involved in the day-to-day management of the business.
Department of Homeland Security Women-Owned Small Business Program
Small Business Administration Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Program
Opportunities for America's Veterans
The NNI member agencies appreciate the sacrifices made by our nation's veterans, and many have specific resources or programs, particularly for Veteran-owned small businesses. Here are a few:
National Science Foundation (NSF) Programs for Veterans
Small Business Administration Office of Veterans Business Development
NASA Small Business Veteran Strategic Plan
People with Disabilities
Small Business Administration (SBA) Webpage for People with Disabilities: The SBA has an excellent list of resources to help start, grow, and manage a small business, geared specifically for people with disabilities.
Programs for Various Groups
Several agencies and offices offer resources that cater to wide variety of underserved, underutilized, or otherwise disadvantaged groups. Some of these overarching diversity offices and programs are listed below.
Department of Energy Office of Economic Impact and Diversity