Key Terms and Acronyms

AFM - Atomic force microscope: A scientific instrument that can generate images of nanoscale details on a physical surface by scanning a tiny, flexible ceramic or semiconductor probe just above the surface

AFOSR  - Air Force Office of Scientific Research

AFRI - Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (USDA/NIFA)

AFRL - Air Force Research Laboratory

ALD - Atomic layer deposition: A technique developed in the 1970s for depositing monolayers of a material in a sequential, controlled manner using self-limiting reactions

ARDEC -  Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (DOD/U.S. Army)

ARL - Army Research Laboratory ARO Army Research Office (DOD)

ARO – Army Research Office (DOD)

ARS - Agricultural Research Service (USDA) BIS Bureau of Industry and Security (DOC)

Biomimetic – Engineered structures or devices that imitate biology in their functions or methods of manufacture

BIS – Bureau of Industry and Security (DOC)

Buckyball – A familiar, nontechnical synonym for fullerene

CNT - Carbon nanotube: Carbon molecule with a cylindrical shape. The structure and chemical bonds of CNTs result in unique strength, electrical, and thermal properties

CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (DHHS)

CMOS - complementary metal-oxide semiconductor

CNS - Centers for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University and University of California, Santa Barbara (CNS-ASU and CNS-UCSB) (NSF)

CNST- Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (DOC/NIST)

Colloid - Nanoscale or microscale particles suspended in another medium; colloids include gels, aerosols, and emulsions

Converging technologies – Science at the intersection of nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive technologies

CoR - Community of Research

CPSC - Consumer Product Safety Commission

DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

DHS – U.S. Department of Homeland Security

DNA – Deoxyribonucleic acid: the double-helix molecule that provides the basis of genetic heredity, about 2 nanometers in diameter but often several millimeters in length

DNI – Director of National Intelligence (U.S. Department of Commerce)

DOD – U.S. Department of Defense

DOE – U.S. Department of Energy

DOEd – U.S. Department of Education

DOJ – U.S. Department of Justice

DOL – U.S. Department of Labor

DOS – U.S. Department of State

DOT – U.S. Department of Transportation

DOTreas – U.S. Department of the Treasury

DTRA – Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DOD)

Dual use – Technologies that may be used for both military and civilian purposes

EERE – (Office of) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (DOE)

EHS – environment(al), health, and safety

ELSI – ethical, legal, and societal implications

ENM - Engineered nanomaterial: Material engineered at the nanoscale (between 1 and 100

EPA – Environmental Protection Agency

Epitaxial film – A thin crystal layer, perhaps of nanoscale thickness, deposited on the surface of another substance by processes such as vapor deposition

ERC – Engineering Research Centers (NSF)

ERDC – Engineer Research and Development Center (DOD/U.S. Army)

EU – European Union

FDA – Food and Drug Administration (HHS)

FHWA – Federal Highway Administration (DOT)

FOA – Funding Opportunity Announcement

FS – Forest Service (USDA)

Fullerene – A category of roughly spherical carbon nanoscale structures named after Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic spheres

Genetic sequence – The ordered set of nucleotides in a particular sample of DNA or RNA

Genome – The complete set of genetic material contained in an organism, or a separately inherited portion of an organism. For instance, the mitochondrial genome is inherited maternally, whereas the nuclear genome is inherited from both parents

HFCT – Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technology program (DOE)

HHS – (U.S. Department of) Health and Human Services

I/UCRC – Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (NSF)

IC – Intelligence Community 

Intellectual property – Creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce

ISO – International Organization for Standardization

LED - Light-emitting diode: A semiconductor device that emits light when current flows
through it; the recombination of electrons and electron holes in the semiconductor produces
light through a process called electroluminescence

MEMS – microelectromechanical systems

Molecular electronics – Electronic circuitry, including computer hardware, in which the separate components are individual molecules or small assemblages of molecules.  The hoped-for advantages include cost reduction, increased speed, higher bit density, reduced power requirements, and less waste heat

Monolayer – A layer, film, or coating that is only one atom or molecule thick

Moore’s Law – Proposed by Intel founder Gordon Moore in the 1960s, this is a variously stated observation that the density of transistors on an integrated circuit chip has been doubling every 18 to 24 months, or the cost of a transistor has been dropping by half, or that the general capabilities of microelectronics have been improving at an exponential rate

MRSEC - Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (NSF)

Nanocomposite – A material composed of two or more substances, of which at least one has a nanoscale dimension, such as nanoparticles dispersed throughout another solid material

Nanocrystals – Aggregates of anywhere from a few hundred to tens of thousands of atoms
that combine into a crystalline form of matter

NanoEHS – Environmental, health, and safety implications of nanotechnology

Nanofabrication – General terms for methods to create, assemble, or otherwise form nanoscale structures

Nanofluidics – Science or engineering involving the flow of liquid or gas through nanoscale spaces

Nanomanipulator – A tool for moving individual molecules or nanoscale objects, such as an atomic force microscope

Nanometer – A distance unit representing one-billionth of a meter, or one-millionth of a millimeter, or roughly one-millionth the thickness of an American dime

Nanoporous – Substances that have holes or pores on the nanoscale, used, for example, to separate particles or molecules by size

Nanoscale – The size range roughly 1 to 100 nanometers, where many of the fundamental structures of biology are formed, composite materials may take on their distinctive characteristics, and many important physical phenomena are found

Nanoscience – The study of unique properties of matter at the nanoscale; an interdisciplinary field of science combining physics, materials science, the chemistry of complex molecules, and related disciplines

Nanosensor – A device for sensing radiation, forces, chemicals, or biological agents, in which some portion of a device operates at the nanoscale

Nanotube – Hollow, cylindrical structures, with a diameter usually less than 5 nanometers

NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NCI – National Cancer Institute (HHS/NIH)

NCL – Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory (HHS/NIH/NCI

NEHI – Nanotechnology Environmental and Health Implications Working Group (of the NSET Subcommittee)

NERC – Nanosystems Engineering Research Centers (NSF

NGO – nongovernmental organization

NHLBI – National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (HHS/NIH)

NIBIB – National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (HHS/NIH)

NICE – Nanotechnology Innovation and Commercialization Ecosystem

NIDCR – National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (HHS/NIH

NIEHS – National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (HHS/NIH)

NIFA – National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA) 

NIH – National Institutes of Health (HHS)

NIOSH – National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (HHS/CDC)

NIST – National Institute of Standards and Technology (DOC

NITRD – Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program

NNCO – National Nanotechnology Coordination Office

NNI – National Nanotechnology Initiative

NRC – Nuclear Regulatory Commission

NRC-Canada – National Research Council of Canada

NRL – Navy Research Laboratory

NRO – National Reconnaissance Office (IC/DNI)

NSE – nanoscale science and engineering

NSEC – Nanoscale Science and Engineering Centers (NSF)

NSET – Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology Subcommittee of the NSTC

NSF – National Science Foundation

NSRC – Nanoscale Science Research Center (DOE)

NSTC – National Science and Technology Council

NTP – National Toxicology Program (HHS/NIH/multiagency)

OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OLED - Organic light-emitting diode: A type of light-emitting diode (LED) in which an organic
compound film emits light in response to an electric current

OMB – Office of Management and Budget (Executive Office of the President)

ONR – Office of Naval Research

OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration (DOL)

OSTP – Office of Science and Technology Policy (Executive Office of the President)

PCA – Program Component Area (of the National Nanotechnology Initiative)

PCAST – President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

Photolithography – A fabrication technique that utilizes light to etch patterns onto silicon wafers using a mask and light-sensitive resin

Photovoltaic - Conversion of light into electricity using semiconducting materials

Polymer – A chemical compound, typically formed by connecting smaller molecules together

Quantum dot – A nanoscale crystal with a diameter typically between 2 and 20 nanometers having unique electrical and optical properties that depend on its size

RFA – Request for Applications

RFI – Request for Information

Risk assessment – A set of analytic approaches in the decision, risk, and management sciences

RNA – Ribonucleic acid (a single-stranded molecule present in all living cells that has structural similarities to DNA

SBIR – Small Business Innovation Research program

Scanning probe lithography – A technique in which an atomic force microscope or scanning tunneling microscope scratches, indents, or heats to produce nanoscale features on a surface

Scanning tunneling microscope – A scientific instrument that can make images of nanoscale details on an electrically conductive surface by moving a sharp metal probe very close to that surface

Self-assembly – A process in which a given nanostructure spontaneously constructs itself

SI – International System of Units

SSL – solid-state lighting

STAR – Science to Achieve Results (EPA)

STARnet – Semiconductor Technology Advanced Research Network (AFRL, DARPA, industry, universities)

STEM – Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

STTR – Small Business Technology Transfer Research program

TAPPI – Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry

Toxicity – Extent to which a chemical substance is poisonous or, through chemical action, destroys living tissue

Transistor – A solid-state electronic device based on a semiconductor material that regulates the flow of current between two of its electrodes and therefore is capable of amplifying a signal

USAF – U.S. Air Force

USDA – U.S. Department of Agriculture

USGS – U.S. Geological Survey

USITC – U.S. International Trade Commission

USPTO – U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (DOC)

Vapor deposition – A chemical process commonly used in the semiconductor industry to apply thin films of one substance onto a surface composed of another substance